by Robert Wood, Social Media Advisor – Prison Scholar Fund

In the current presidential election we have several very different candidates. There are a variety of important issues including but not limited to job creation, terror and domestic terror, taxes, immigration policy, police brutality, foreign policy, prison reform, child care, and minority and women’s issues. Knowledge of the issues and the candidates must be a factor in deciding whom to cast your vote for. You should study all available options and issues carefully and be sure to make a choice that impacts your future, the future of those you love, and the future of our great nation in a positive and productive manner. Don’t just look at the Democratic and Republican candidates, also evaluate the Independents, and do your due diligence when voting down ticket too. The crucial issues of our time demand voters with their eyes wide open who refuse to take something as important as choosing the people who will make the laws we live by lightly. Please do yourself a favor and don’t plan to just vote along partisan lines. Vote for candidates and their positions on issues important to you, and important to all Americans. Make sure you don’t just listen to candidates, evaluate their records. As in most situations, knowledge is the key to making the correct decision in the voting booth. Whatever you do, please vote. Your vote counts and so do you.

Robert Wood, our Social Media Advisor, is a volunteer for the PSF. His Tweets can be found on Twitter, @prisonscholars, account under the hashtag #RLW_PSF. He can be reached via any of our social media outlets or emailed at the following address:

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