
The Monopoly of Prison Phone Calls

The classic board game MONOPOLY is an American classic. It’s a game of strategy, deception, and control where a single winner flourishes while depriving and bankrupting other players. What if I told you that it wasn’t just a game? That if you or your loved...

The New Normal

Written May 21, 2020 We got our first word of the pandemic on March 13. That is the day prison authorities notified us that visiting all other programs were canceled indefinitely. We’d seen news coverage prior to that, but few of us had any idea of the scope of...

The Good Old Days

As the DOC is significantly increasing the population at the reformatory, I distinctly recall their attorney telling the state Supreme Court how they were in the process of reducing that same population to mitigate potential COVID exposure. Even as I heard this, I had...

Is Corrections Education for Everyone?

When it comes to the topic of education in prisons, which we will call Corrections Education, there tends to be two camps of opinion among incarcerated individuals. Let us call these the pro and con sides (no pun intended). The pro-side includes those who support...

Reflections on the Present Moment

July 19, 2020 I look at the protests, the looting and the rioting, and see a society divided against itself. I see a society wanting to commit to a future of equality, justice, and inclusiveness, but unwilling to reconcile or even acknowledge its historical wrongs. I...