By: Robert Wood, Senior Social Media Advisor, Prison Scholar Fund

Issues of social justice are much more visible in our current age of instant information and enhanced communication. Our attitude towards them should be guided by the knowledge of the issues and empathy for others along with a deep respect for both knowledge and humanity. In this renewed era of civil rights and human rights being at the forefront of our collective American conscience please take time to gain knowledge of the people involved, the issues at hand and application of our United States Constitution as well as human decency in the pondering of these important issues. The United States is on the verge of a great breakthrough in human relations or utter self destruction. Which of those two courses we take will depend upon knowledgeable empathetic responses to the issues of our time by the greatest nation in the history of humankind. Remember: as does America goes humankind. We must lead on these issues as individuals and collectively. Think…now act accordingly.