Question 1: Federal agency issued by

Answer 1: Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) / Consumer and Governmental

Affairs Bureau (CGB)


Question 2: Funding Opportunity Title

Answer 2: Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program


Question 3: Assistance Listing (CFDA Number)

Answer 3: 32.011


Question 4: Funding Opportunity Number

Answer 4: FCC-ACOGP-23-002


Question 5: Authorizing Authority for Program

Answer 5: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Division J, Title IV, Public Law 117-58, 135

Stat. 429 (November 15, 2021) (47 U.S.C § 1752(b)(10)(C))


Question 6: Announcement Type

Answer 6: Initial 


Question 7: Funding Instrument

Answer 7: Grant


Question 8: Key Dates

Answer 8: Complete applications must be received through no later than 9:00

PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on January 9, 2023. Late applications will not be

accepted. FCC expects to complete its review, make selection of successful applicants, and

process awards on or before March 2023.


Question 9: Application Submission Method

Answer 9: Applications or portions thereof submitted through postal mail, courier, email, facsimile, or

other means will not be accepted. All grants standard forms must be submitted through the system and the application template must be submitted through the

Pilot Programs Application Portal accessible at There will be one application for both Pilot

Programs and applicants must indicate to which program(s) they are applying. See Section

VI – Application and Submission Information of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

for detailed information concerning application submission requirements.


Question 10: Introduction

Answer 10: 

The Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program (ACP Outreach Grant Program) is

comprised of four complementary grant programs:

  • National Competitive Outreach Program (NCOP)
  • Tribal Competitive Outreach Program (TCOP)
  • Your Home, Your Internet (YHYI) Outreach Grants
  • Navigator Pilot Program (NPP) Outreach Grants

The FCC issues this NOFO to describe the requirements under which it will award grants for

YHYI and NPP participants (collectively, Pilot Program Outreach Grants). A separate NOFO

has been issued for NCOP and TCOP.


The ACP Outreach Grant Program is one tool among a comprehensive set of measures

authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (Infrastructure Act) and

implemented by the FCC to help bridge the digital divide. The ACP Outreach Grant Program

will help increase awareness of and participation in the ACP among eligible households. The

Pilot Program Outreach Grants provide new federal funding for the FCC to grant eligible

governmental entities and third-party organizations with the funding and resources needed to

increase awareness of and participation in the ACP among those households most in need of

affordable connectivity. See Section IV – Program Description of this NOFO for the full

program description.


Table 1 provides an overview of each pilot program eligible for grants through this FY 2023

Pilot Program Outreach Grants NOFO.


FY23 Pilot Program Outreach: Grants

Program Overview

YHYI Outreach Grants

YHYI Outreach Grants provide funding to eligible state, local, and Tribal housing agencies (including housing authorities) or non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, and tenant association partners to federal, state, local, or Tribal housing agencies (including housing authorities) for outreach activities (including application assistance) to increase awareness and encourage participation in the ACP for households receiving federal housing assistance. YHYI funding will only be provided

to entities that are selected to participate in the YHYI Outreach Grants.

NPP Outreach Grants

NPP Outreach Grants provide funding to support outreach activities (including application assistance) by trusted, neutral third-party entities, such as schools and school districts, or other local or state government entities to increase awareness and encourage participation in the ACP among eligible households. NPP funding will only

be provided to entities that are selected to participate in the ACP Navigator Pilot Program.

Question 11: Background Information

Answer 11: 

  1. Affordable Connectivity Program


The ACP is a $14.2 billion FCC benefit program that helps ensure that qualifying low-

income households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and


more. The ACP is the successor program to the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

which was established pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 to provide

discounted broadband service to low-income households, including those experiencing

economic disruption related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ACP benefit provides a

discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75

per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a

one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from

participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the

purchase price. The ACP is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount

per household.

Households may qualify for the ACP if they participate in Lifeline or one of the Lifeline

qualifying programs, including federal housing assistance (i.e., Housing Choice Voucher

(HCV) Program (Section 8 Vouchers); Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA), which

includes Project-Based Section 8, Section 202, and Section 811 housing; Public Housing; and

Affordable Housing Programs for American Indians, Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians;

Medicaid; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Supplemental Security

Income (SSI); Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit; and, for households on qualifying

Tribal lands, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Food Distribution Program on

Indian Reservations, Tribally administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal

TANF), and Tribal Head Start (only those households meeting the incoming qualifying

standard). A household may also qualify for the ACP if it has an income at or below 200

percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or if a member of the household has received a

federal Pell Grant during the current award year, is approved to participate in the National

School Lunch or Breakfast Program (including Community Eligibility Provision schools),

participates in the Special Supplemental Nutritional Program for Woman, Infants, and


Children (WIC), or meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-

income internet program.


  1. Affordable Connectivity Program Order

The Report and Order establishing the rules for the ACP established a “one-year test-pilot for

granting trusted, neutral third party entities [such as schools, school districts, or other local or

state governmental entities] with access to the National Verifier for purposes of assisting

customers with applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program” (ACP Navigator Pilot).

The FCC subsequently set aside up to $5 million in grant funding to support ACP Navigator

Pilot-related outreach activities in the ACP Outreach Grant Program Order.


  1. ACP Outreach Grant Program Order

On August 5, 2022, the FCC established the ACP Outreach Grant Program to raise awareness

about the nation’s largest ever broadband affordability effort, the ACP. The ACP Grant

Program Second Report and Order approved by the FCC directs CGB to develop, administer, and manage the grant program, with a focus on reaching historically underserved



To raise awareness of the ACP benefit, Congress included a provision in the Infrastructure

Act for the FCC to conduct and fund ACP outreach, including providing grants to outreach

partners to ensure that eligible households can learn about the program and receive assistance

with the application process. The FCC established a budget of up to $100 million to fund

ACP outreach efforts and established rules for the ACP. Funding for the ACP Outreach

Grant Program will come from this $100 million designated for ACP outreach. Grants will

support eligible governmental and non-governmental partners in conducting a wide range of

innovative outreach activities to raise awareness of the ACP and increase enrollment among

eligible households.


  1. Your Home, Your Internet Order

On August 5, 2022, the FCC established a pilot program titled “Your Home, Your Internet”

to increase awareness and encourage participation in the ACP for households receiving

federal housing assistance. The Third Report and Order approved by the FCC directs the

Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) and the Universal Service Administrative Company

(USAC), the administrator of the ACP, to take several actions to facilitate more efficient

ACP access for federal housing assistance recipients in general as well as those working with

pilot participants to qualify for the ACP. The one-year pilot program will allow the FCC to

test the best methods for helping consumers receiving qualifying federal housing assistance

through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to learn about and enroll in the



The “Your Home, Your Internet” Pilot Program will be used to test discrete enhancements to

the ACP, including improvements to the ACP application process. State and local housing

authorities, Tribally Designated Housing Entities, and other state, regional, or local

government entities, as well as community partners, are eligible to apply for this Pilot

Program. Pilot Program applicants will be able to submit proposals for providing specialized

ACP outreach efforts, including promotional materials, that are directed to federal housing

assistance recipients and organizations. Pilot participants are also encouraged to propose

application assistance tools, which the FCC will evaluate. In addition, the FCC has set aside

up to $5 million in grant funding to support Your Home, Your Internet Pilot-related outreach

activities, and up to an additional $5 million in funding for the FCC to engage in related

outreach efforts, including in conjunction with other federal agencies. Pilot Program

applicants may have independent sources of funding and are not required to apply for

funding from the Commission in order to carry out their Pilot Program activities.


Question 12: Program Description

Answer 12: 

The ACP plays an integral role in helping to bridge the broadband affordability gap, which is

an ongoing priority for Congress, the FCC, and across the federal government. To date, over

14 million low-income households have enrolled in the ACP, with many more households

that continue to remain eligible nationwide. Recognizing the importance of effective outreach to eligible households from trusted messengers to historically underserved

communities, Congress authorized the FCC to establish the ACP Outreach Grant Program.

Congress also established the Digital Equity Act of 2021, as part of the Infrastructure Act,

with the goal of promoting meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the

covered populations, to include low-income households, aging populations, individuals with

disabilities, individuals with language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, rural inhabitants

among more.1 Through these Pilot Program Outreach Grants, the FCC seeks to enlist and

empower trusted community messengers to develop innovative outreach strategies to reach

historically underserved and unserved communities. This includes providing those partners

with the funding and resources needed to increase participation among eligible, low-income

households in need of an affordable internet connection.

The Infrastructure Act and ACP rules2


require participating service providers to notify their

broadband subscribers about the ACP and promote enrollment among eligible households

within their service area. The ACP rules also require participating service providers to

advertise the program in a manner reasonably designed to reach those consumers likely to

qualify and, in a manner, and format that is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

  1. Program Goal, Objectives, and Priorities
  2. Goal

The goal of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants is to facilitate the promotion of the ACP to increase awareness of and participation among eligible households by providing assistance with the completion and submission of the ACP application. While the NPP and YHYI both have this goal, grants for YHYI focus specifically on funding outreach activities (including application assistance) for federal housing assistance recipients.


  1. Objectives

To support the Pilot Program Outreach Grants goals, the FCC has identified four


  • Expand and support diverse and impactful outreach efforts nationwide;
  • Strengthen outreach partners nationwide by empowering them to mobilize people and organizations to help raise awareness about the ACP;
  • Learn how the assistance of a navigator helps eligible households overcome enrollment barriers; and
  • Increase ACP enrollment as a result of ACP Outreach Grant Program funded activities.

These objectives are consistent with the authorizing language in the Infrastructure Act and

are also consistent with the Commission’s strategic goals and objectives.


  1. Priorities

For FY 2023, the FCC will prioritize Pilot Program Outreach Grants applications that:

  • Target a broad geographic area and/or large number of people in the target audiences for ACP outreach; • Incorporate effective tracking and performance measurements to provide valuable

information, especially relating to enrollment barriers and under-enrolled communities,

to the Commission;

  • Encourage participation by those in the applicant’s target community(ies) that have a

low participation in the ACP, including participation by those in Federal Public

Housing Assistance (FPHA) programs;

  • Target unserved low-income households or individuals (i.e., households or individuals

that are not currently on a low-income broadband plan or that do not have broadband

service); and

  • Whether an applicant proposes a cost-share or cost match. Note: This information will

be used as a tie breaker during the funding determination process.

In addition to the priorities listed above, the FCC will consider geographic distribution of

proposed outreach activities in determining funding awards.

  1. Performance Measures

The FCC has developed Pilot Program Outreach Grants performance measures to assess

progress toward the programs’ goal and objectives through ongoing collection, monitoring, reviewing, and reporting of data. Quarterly progress reports will be used to collect and analyze grant recipients’ performance measurement data to ensure that the funds are expended for their intended purpose and achieve the stated outcomes in the grant application. Detailed information on the geographic location and timing of outreach

activities (including application assistance) should be retained and submitted as part of

quarterly progress reports.


The FCC has identified the following performance measures for the FY 2023 Pilot Program Outreach Grants:

Awareness Measures:

  • Number of outreach activities/events implemented by type (e.g., direct mail, door- to-door, etc.)
  • Amount of funding spent on outreach activities by type
  • Amount of personnel/volunteer hours spent on outreach activities by type, if applicable
  • Number of individuals reached by outreach type (e.g., direct mail, door-to-door, etc.) to increase awareness of the ACP
  • For in-person engagement, number of eligible households that learned about the ACP for the first time as a result of a grant-funded outreach activity
  • For YHYI, the number of individuals reached who participate in a FPHA program
  • Number of individuals that worked with the navigator
  • For individuals who worked with a navigator, determine the method of outreach that led them to the navigator

Enrollment Measures:

  • Number and type of in-person application assistance provided, or events held
  • Number of individuals that participated in the in-person events
  • Number of eligible households submitting applications or starting the application process during the event or other provision of application assistance
  • Number of new, eligible households successfully qualified for the ACP who (1) lacked access to home or mobile internet broadband and/or (2) lacked access to home broadband internet

− For YHYI, the number of FPHA households enrolled


Question 13: Federal Award Information 

Answer 13: 

  1. Funding Availability for this NOFO: $10,000,000

The FCC will make up to $10 million of competitive funding available under this FY 2023 Pilot Program Outreach Grants NOFO. Table 2 illustrates available funding for each program.


Table 2 – FY 2023 Pilot Program Outreach Grants Allocation: 

Pilot Program Outreach Grants

FY23 Allocation

YHYI Outreach Grants


NPP Outreach Grants





  1. YHYI Available Funds: $5 million

For FY 2023, the FCC will award YHYI funds based on three factors:

  • Pilot Program allocation maximum pursuant to the Third Report and Order;
  • Merit-based review of application submissions; and
  • Risk assessment to confirm the financial stability and operational capacity of the



  1. NPP Available Funds: $5 million

For FY 2023, the FCC will award NPP funds based on three factors:

  • Pilot Program allocation maximum pursuant to the Third Report and Order;
  • Merit-based review of application submissions; and
  • Risk assessment to confirm the financial stability and overall operational capacity of

the applicant.


  1. Period of Performance

For Pilot Program Outreach Grants, grant recipients must expend awarded funding against their approved projects and supporting milestones within 12 months (1 year).

  • Projected Period of Performance Start Date(s): March 2023
  • Projected Period of Performance End Date(s): March 2024

Extensions to the period of performance may be allowed on a case-by-case basis with prior

written approval from the FCC. For additional information on period of performance

extensions, please refer to Section X – Post Award Reporting Requirements of this NOFO.


  1. Eligible Applicants

For FY 2023, eligible entities may include the types of governmental and non-governmental entities and organizations listed in Table 3. Eligibility for YHYI and NPP Outreach Grants is limited to entities participating in that particular Pilot Program.


Table 3 – Pilot Program Outreach Grants Eligible Entities


FY23: Pilot Program Outreach Grants

Eligible Entities

YHYI Outreach Grants

Entities eligible to apply for YHYI Outreach Grants include state, local, and Tribal housing agencies (including housing authorities). Tenant associations and non-profit and community-based entities that have a partnership with a federal, state, local, or Tribal housing agency participating in the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot may also apply for YHYI funding.

NPP Outreach Grants

Entities eligible to apply for NPP Outreach Grants

include public and government entities, such as public schools and public school districts, and local, state, or Tribal government entities. Examples of such eligible entities include, but are not limited to, state and local institutions of higher learning, state veterans’ affairs offices, state and community libraries, and Tribal schools and libraries.


  1. Eligibility Criteria

State and U.S. Territorial governments are not required to submit a single application for

funding consideration. Government agencies within a State or U.S. Territory may submit

separate applications. However, to facilitate coordination, States and U.S. Territories may

choose to establish a single point of contact to coordinate among entities within the State or

U.S. Territory that have relevant outreach responsibilities related to implementing the Pilot

Program Outreach Grants. States and U.S. Territories are encouraged to coordinate with

trusted messengers and leaders from underserved and unserved communities in their states.

Non-profit organizations eligible to apply for YHYI Outreach Grants are not required to have

501(c)(3) status.

Note: Grantees may not make a profit from or otherwise financially benefit from conducting

ACP outreach through the Pilot Program Outreach Grants.

  1. Ineligible Entities

In addition to any restrictions in 2 CFR § 200, as implemented by 2 CFR § 6000.1,

broadband providers and their subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, contractors, and agents

are not eligible to participate in the Pilot Program Outreach Grants or receive grant awards,

either as grantees, pass-through entities, or subrecipients. For purposes of this grant


  • A Broadband Provider is “a provider of broadband Internet access service” as defined in

47 CFR § 54.1800(d).

  • A Subsidiary is any entity in which a broadband provider (directly or indirectly) owns or

controls more than 50 percent of the total voting power (or authority) of the entity, where

no other individual or entity has de facto control.

  • An Affiliate is any entity that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or

controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with a broadband provider. The

term “own” means to own an equity interest (or equivalent thereof) of more than 10


  • A Contractor is any entity that has a mutually binding agreement with a broadband

provider to provide goods or services to or on behalf of a broadband provider. An entity

that receives unrestricted funding or support from a broadband provider (for example, the

recipient of a charitable donation) is not a “Contractor” under this provision.

  • An Agent or Representative is one that is authorized to act for or in the place of a

broadband provider.


Additional ineligible entities include broadband industry groups and trade associations that

represent broadband providers; entities that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded

from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs or activities; and entities

that are ineligible by statute (such as 501(c)(4) non-profit organizations that engage in

lobbying activities or organizations that are indebted to the United States and have judgment

liens filed against them).


For municipal broadband providers, the exclusion of broadband providers and their affiliates,

subsidiaries, or representatives from eligibility does not extend to separate arms of the

municipality that do not maintain, manage, or operate the municipal broadband network.


  1. Cost Sharing and Matching

There will be no cost sharing or matching requirements as part of the FY 2023 Pilot Program Outreach Grants. However, applicants that propose a cost match or cost share may have a priority consideration, in the event of a tie, when making funding allocation determinations.

Cost share or cost match may be cash or in-kind contribution. If an applicant elects cost

sharing or matching, the applicant must comply with 2 CFR § 200.306.


Question 14: Application and Submission Information

Answer 14: 

  1. Key Application Submission Dates and Time

Application Start Date: November 21, 2022

Application Submission Deadline: January 9, 2023, at 9:00 PM EST

All applications must be received by the established deadline. The USAC Pilots Application

Portal has a date stamp that indicates when an application is submitted. Applicants will

receive an electronic message confirming receipt of their submission.


Standard grant forms (e.g., SF-424 and SF-424A) submitted through the 

the system has a date stamp that indicates when the forms are submitted. Applicants will

receive an electronic message confirming receipt of their submission.


The FCC will not review applications that are received after the deadline or consider late

applications for grant funding. Extending the application deadline may only be considered if

technical problems occur, exigent or emergency circumstances that impact a wide range of



Applicants experiencing technical difficulties outside of their control must notify the FCC as

soon as possible but no later than 48 hours prior to the application deadline, with proof of

technical difficulties. The FCC will work with that applicant on a case-by-case basis to assist

in resolving such matters prior to the application deadline. Failure to timely notify the FCC

of the issue that prevented the timely filing of the application may preclude consideration of

the award.


A list of FCC contacts can be found in Section XV – FCC Awarding Agency Contact

Information about this NOFO. For additional assistance using, please contact

the Help Desk at (800) 518-4726 or For programmatic

questions about the FCC’s YHYI and NPP, please contact the FCC’s Pilot Program Team by

email at For grants management questions, please contact the FCC

Grants Team by email at


  1. Key Award Dates and Time

Anticipated Funding Selection Date: On or before March 2023

Anticipated Award Date: No later than March 2023


Other Key Dates:



Suggested Deadline for Completion 

Obtaining a valid Employer Identification Number

Four weeks before submission deadline

Creating a account, for a single sign on registration, to then

establish an organization registration with

Four weeks before submission deadline

Registering in and adding organization profile, or updating registration

Four weeks before submission deadline

Assigning roles and access in

Four weeks before submission deadline

Starting program-specific application in USAC Pilots Application Portal. Applicants seeking funding under this Pilot Program Outreach Grants NOFO must also submit an application to participate in the FCC’s YHYI or NPP Outreach Grants, or both, using the USAC Pilots Application Portal. There will be one application for both Pilot Programs and applicants must indicate to which program(s) they are applying.

Note: Once the application has been submitted, an application number will be provided. Applicants must include the application number provided in Line Item 13 of the SF-424.

Two weeks before submission deadline

Starting grants standard forms in Workspace

One week before submission deadline

Submitting the final grants standard forms in and program- specific application in the USAC Pilots Application Portal.

Note: Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete and submit the Pilot Programs application in the USAC Pilots Application Portal prior to completing and submitting the grants standard forms as the application number must be included in Line Item 13 of the SF-424

No later than the submission deadline 


Registering and applying for an award under this program is a multistep process and requires

time to complete. Organizations need to complete the preliminary steps outlined here in

sufficient time to ensure they do not impact their ability to meet the required application

submission deadline. For this funding opportunity, the FCC requires applicants to submit

their grants standard forms through and Pilot application using the USAC

Application Portal. To access grants standard forms and instructions, go to under Assistance Listing (CFDA) Number: 32.011 – ACP Outreach

Grant Program. By submitting an application, organizations agree to comply with the

requirements of this NOFO.


  1. Obtaining Employer Identification Number (EIN)

All entities applying for funding must provide an EIN. It will be required to register your organization in If your organization doesn’t have an EIN, one can be obtained from the IRS by visiting: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online | Internal Revenue Service (


  1. SAM Registration

Applicants must have a account in order to register with SAM or update their SAM  registration. provides a streamlined process with a single sign on for participating federal government agencies, eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords. Applicants can create a account here: SAM Registration. Applicants only have to create a account once.

Once a account is created, applicants can begin the SAM registration process which can take up to four weeks to complete. To ensure an application meets the deadline, applicants are advised to start the required steps well in advance of their submission. Specific instructions on how to apply for, update, or verify a SAM registration, are available at Home. Applicants are advised that the FCC may not make a federal award until the applicant has complied with all applicable SAM requirements. An applicant’s SAM registration must be active not only at the time of application, but also during the application review period and when the FCC is ready to make a federal award.


If an applicant’s SAM registration is expired at the time of application, expires during application review, or expires any other time before award, the FCC may determine that the

applicant is not qualified to receive a federal award and use that determination as a basis for making a federal award to another applicant. Further, a recipient’s SAM registration must remain active, and their information current, for the duration of an active federal award. After registering with, applicants will be issued a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).

All entities applying for funding must have a UEI number and enter it in the applicable data

entry fields on both the SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance, and the Detailed Budget Worksheet and Narrative Template.


For more detailed instructions on registering with SAM, refer to


Help with SAM: The SAM quick start guide for new recipient registration and SAM video tutorial for new applicants are tools created by the General Services Administration to assist those registering with SAM. If applicants have questions or concerns about a SAM registration, please contact the Federal Support Desk at GSAFD Service Portal Landing – GSA Federal Service Desk Service Portal or call toll free (866) 606-8220.


  1. Registration Information
  • Creating a Account: The next step in the registration process is to create an account with Applicants must know their organization’s UEI number to complete this process. For more information, follow the on-screen instructions or refer to
  • Adding an Organization Profile to a Account: A profile in corresponds to a single applicant organization the user represents (i.e., an applicant). If you work for or consult with multiple organizations and have a profile for each, you may log in to one account to access all your grant applications. To add an organizational profile to your account, enter the UEI number for the organization in the UEI field while adding a profile. For more detailed instructions about creating a profile on, refer to

  • Assigning User Roles: After adding an Organization Profile, the applicant’s request for roles and access will be sent to their EBiz point of contact (as entered into

the organization’s account). The EBiz POC will then log in to and

authorize the appropriate roles, which will include a Workspace Manager (WM) and

authorized organization representative (AOR), thereby giving your organization

permission to complete and submit applications. Organizations will be able to submit

applications online any time during the application submission window after they have

assigned the AOR role. For more detailed instructions about authorizing profile roles on, refer to


Help with provides applicants 24/7 support via the toll-free number

1-800-518-4726 and email at For questions related to 32.011 – ACP

Outreach Grant Program, contact the number listed in the application package of the grant to

which you are applying for. If you are experiencing difficulties with your submission, it is best

to call the Support Center and get a ticket number. The Support Center ticket

number will assist the FCC with tracking your issue and understanding background

information on the issue.


  1. Timely Receipt Requirements and Proof of Timely Submission

All applications must be received electronically by 9:00 PM EST on January 9, 2023. Proof

of timely submission of the program-specific application is generated by the USAC Pilots

Application Portal when the application is successfully received. Proof of timely submission

of grants standard forms are automatically recorded by An electronic date/time

stamp is generated within the system when the application is successfully received by


  1. How to Submit Application Template to the FCC through USAC Pilots Application


Applicants seeking funding under this Pilot Program Outreach Grants NOFO must also

submit an application to participate in the FCC’s YHYI or NPP Outreach Grants, or both,

using the USAC Pilots Application Portal. This requirement is in addition to the standard

grant forms submitted in There will be one application for both pilot programs

and applicants must indicate to which program(s) they are applying. Applicants must

complete each section of the ACP Pilot Programs application and make the required

certifications in the application.


The application for the YHYI and/or NPP Outreach Grants must be submitted online through

the USAC Pilots Application Portal accessible at Failure to submit a complete and timely Pilot

Programs application will result in a rejection of the funding application under this NOFO.

The deadline for applying for both the YHYI and NPP Outreach Grants is Monday, January

9, 2023, at 9:00 PM EST.


Additional information concerning both the YHYI and NPP Outreach Grants, including application instructions, can be found on the FCC’s website at:


  1. How to Submit Grants Standard Forms to the FCC through applicants can apply online using a workspace. A workspace is a shared, online

environment where members of a grant team may simultaneously access and edit different

web forms within an application. For this FY 2023 Pilot Program Outreach Grants NOFO,

applicants can create individual instances of a workspace. Applicants are encouraged to start

their grants standard forms in at least one week before the application deadline.

In, applicants need to submit the following forms:

  • SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance
  • SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs
  • SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if applicable)
  • Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable)
  • Detailed Budget Worksheet and Narrative Template

For access to complete instructions on how to apply for opportunities using Workspace, refer



  1. Content and Form of Application Submission

All applicants must submit all required forms and required documents listed in this section.

Applications missing any of the required forms or documents listed in this section may not be

considered for review.

  1. Program-Specific Required Forms

Eligible entities applying for Pilot Program Outreach Grants are required to complete and

submit the Pilot Programs application available at  This is in addition to submitting the grants standard forms in (see 2. below). The Pilot Programs application must be completed on or before the application submission deadline.

  1. Pilot Programs Application in USAC Pilots Application Portal

The Pilot Programs application must demonstrate how proposed projects will aid in

delivering outreach activities that will increase ACP awareness and enrollment and

describe engagement with and/or impacts on the target audiences. Applicants must

demonstrate in their proposals the ability to implement outreach efforts consistent with

the purpose, goal and objectives of the Pilot Programs and guidance provided by the

FCC. Applicants must complete and submit all sections of the Pilot Programs

application, as outlined in the application instructions on the FCC website accessible at:

  • If requesting grant funding, “Applicant Contact Information” in the Pilot Programs

Application should match what is provided in Field 8f. of the SF-424.

  • If requesting grant funding, the “Certified By” field should match what is provided

in Field 21 of the SF-424, the Authorized Organization Representative.


FCC Registration Number (FRN): 

In order to apply for the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, applicants are required to register for an FRN, using the Commission Registration System (CORES). This unique 10-digit FRN is used to identify the registrant’s business dealings with the FCC. Applicants must enter their FRN as part of completing the Pilot Programs Application in USAC.


To register with CORES, please use the following link:  The first step to setting up an account in

CORES is creating a username and account in the FCC User Registration System using

the following link: Before the

account is activated, the user will receive an automated email titled “FCC Account

Request Verification” and must verify its account email address as prompted. Once the

user is logged in to CORES, the user should select the “Register New FRN” or

“Associate Username to FRN” option as applicable from the menu options that appear

and provide the information as prompted by CORES. Users will need to provide their

taxpayer identification number or TIN to register. The TIN is a nine-digit number that

the IRS requires of all individuals, businesses, and other employers to identify their tax

accounts with the IRS. Once the user provides the information required in CORES and

clicks “Submit,” CORES will generate a new FRN or associate the user’s existing FRN

with its account.


  1. Detailed Budget Worksheet and Narrative

The Detailed Budget Worksheet and Narrative Template reflects the cost categories that

appear on the SF-424A form. Applicants must itemize calculations for each cost

category based on the instructions provided at the beginning of the template and in each

subsection. Note that there are separate tabs (worksheets) for funding requested

from YHYI Outreach Grants and NPP Outreach Grants.


Budget information must support the dollar amounts identified in the SF-424 and SF-

424A forms and demonstrate that the project or activity meets the eligible use


requirements in this NOFO. Applicants must provide details on the proposed use of

project funds in achieving projected outcomes. The Budget Narrative should address in

detail how the funds awarded will be spent on a proposed project and how costs were

determined across the following allowable cost categories:

  • Personnel
  • Fringe Benefits
  • Travel
  • Supplies
  • Contractual
  • Other
  • Indirect Costs


Applicants that comply with the application requirements and are deemed eligible and

selected to receive grant funds will be informed of their final award allocation amounts

once the FCC reviews all applications and makes final award determinations. If a final award amount differs from the requested amount, the FCC will provide instructions regarding the revised materials that must be submitted for review.


  1. Required Grants Standard Forms and Information

To access grants standard forms for this funding opportunity, go to click on the

“Search Grants” tab. Enter the Funding Opportunity Number located on the cover of this

announcement. Click on the highlighted Funding Opportunity Number that appears and

then click on the various tabs to read the Synopsis, review the Version History, read the

Full Announcement, and complete the Application Package. Read the entire NOFO

Application Package carefully before preparing and submitting an application. Grants

standard forms must be submitted in electronic format only.


  1. Form SF-424 – Application for Federal Assistance

Complete the SF-424 application form. This form may be completed on the

website or it can be completed offline in its entirety. This form (and all additional

forms requiring a signature) must be signed by the applicant’s AOR. Electronic

signatures submitted through satisfy this requirement.

  • Applicants are required to enter their Application Number from the ACP Pilot

Programs Application Portal on Line 13 – Competition Identification Number, of

the SF-424. The Application Number is assigned at the time you submit the

Pilot Programs Application in the USAC Pilots Application Portal (see 1.a.,


NOTE: Applications submitted through must use the SF-424 provided by Applicants must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view and

download the SF-424 application forms. The SF-424 application form on is

formatted so applicants are only required to complete fields that are indicated with an

asterisk (*) and color coded. Once the application is complete, close the document

(you will then be prompted to save changes or not).


  1. Form SF-424A – Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs

Complete the budget in its entirety. Provide budget amounts by object class (e.g.,

salaries, fringe, travel, indirect). Funds may be requested as long as the item and

amount are necessary to perform the proposed work and are not precluded by the cost

principles or program funding restrictions. Additional guidance on how to complete the

Form SF-424A can be found at:


  1. Standard Form LLL – Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if applicable)

Complete Standard Form LLL. Complete this form if the applicant has engaged or

intends to engage in lobbying activities.


  1. Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable)

Submit the Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA), if applicable. If the

applicant is requesting its negotiated federal rate, submit the approved NICRA

attachment in Please see Section VII. Funding Restrictions, Prohibitions,

and Allowable Costs of this NOFO.


Question 14: Funding Restrictions, Prohibitions, and Allowable Costs

Answer 14: 

The following funding restrictions, allowable costs, and unallowable costs are guided by the

ACP Outreach Grant Program, the ACP Grant Program Second Report and Order and Your

Home, Your Internet Third Report and Order. Additionally, the FCC has adopted the Uniform

Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements set forth in 2 CFR §

200, Subpart E as well as 2 CFR, Subtitle B, Part 6000.


  1. Funding Restrictions
  2. Neutrality of Grant-Funded Outreach Activities

Grant and subgrant recipients must maintain neutrality among participating service

providers or groups of service providers when conducting grant-funded outreach activities.

Eligible households can be directed to the Companies Near Me Tools 11 or be shown the list

of ACP provider(s)12 serving the area. If there is only one service provider serving the

area, the grant or subgrant recipient may inform the eligible household of that lone

provider’s information. This neutrality requirement ensures that the grant funding is not

being used in a manner intended to specifically increase a particular provider’s program

enrollment and protects eligible households’ right to choose their ACP provider and the

type of broadband service that best fits their needs.


Grant and subgrant recipients are expressly prohibited from favoring, directing, steering,

incentivizing or otherwise encouraging households to enroll with a particular provider

when performing grant-funded outreach activities. When conducting grant-funded

outreach, grant and subgrant recipients are also expressly prohibited from using service

provider-branded items such as outreach materials, gifts, or incentives, and from offering or

providing consumers gifts or other incentives provided by service providers. Grant and

subgrant recipients may not accept funding in any form, including in-kind contributions,

from a participating provider or a specific group of participating providers (including, but

not limited to, broadband industry groups such as trade associations) for the purpose of

conducting ACP outreach activities.


Service providers may attend grant-funded outreach events to provide eligible households

information on the available service offerings to which they may apply their ACP benefit.

Other service providers in the area where the outreach is conducted must have the same

opportunity to attend and provide information on their services to which the ACP benefit

can be applied. Companies Near Me Tool can be used to obtain a list of all providers

operating in an area where outreach events are held.


Grant and subgrant recipients may collaborate with state or Tribal agencies, public interest

groups, and non-profit organizations to carry out public awareness campaigns that highlight

the value and benefit of broadband internet access service and the existence of the ACP.


  1. Funds Transfer Restriction

The grant recipient is prohibited from transferring funds between ACP grant programs (i.e.,

NCOP, TCOP, YHYI, NPP) and must comply with each program’s unique reporting

requirements. Recipients may submit a project where funds come from multiple funding

sources (i.e., YHYI and NPP); however, recipients are not allowed to transfer funding from

one program to another due to specific funding allocations, which were established by the

FCC. For example, if a grant recipient is awarded $100,000 in YHYI funding, and

$200,000 in NPP funding, the applicant may not combine those funds and spend $150,000

on outreach activities related to each Pilot Program.


  1. Pilot Programs Outreach Grants Prohibitions
  2. Prohibition of Supplanting Other Outreach Funding

Grant or subgrant recipients may supplement but are prohibited from supplanting

(replacing) funds that have already been obtained or are expected to be received from other

sources, such as federal, state, or non-governmental funding provided to carry out ACP

outreach activities as described in this NOFO. Grant or subgrant recipients may not

supplant funding from a participating provider or a specific group of participating providers

(including, but not limited to, broadband industry groups such as trade associations)

provided to carry out ACP outreach activities as described in this NOFO. To guard against

supplanting, funding will be prioritized to new, specialized outreach efforts and application

assistance directed to federal housing assistance recipients for the YHYI Outreach Grants

and applicants that can demonstrate the ability to provide application assistance as a

trusted, neutral third party for NPP Outreach Grants. Pilot Program Outreach Grants

funding is intended for targeted ACP outreach and application assistance costs to federal

housing assistance recipients and other ACP eligible households for which applicants and

their expected pass-through entities do not already have or expect to receive other funding.


  1. Prohibition of Service Provider In-Kind Contributions for Funded Outreach

Acceptance of in-kind contributions from any broadband provider or a specific group of

ACP participating providers (including broadband industry groups and trade associations)

for grant-funded outreach activities is prohibited under the Pilot Program Outreach Grants.


  1. Prohibition of Profit, and Fees or Charges to Eligible Households

A profit or other incremental charge above actual cost of grant-funded outreach activity is

prohibited under the Pilot Program Outreach Grants. Fees or charges to eligible

households for educating or providing enrollment assistance are also prohibited under the

Pilot Program Outreach Grants.


  1. Prohibition of Commissions or Compensation Linked to ACP Applications or Enrollment

Commission or compensation to individuals conducting funded outreach based on the

number of ACP applications submitted or households enrolled is prohibited under the Pilot

Program Outreach Grants.


  1. Prohibition of Remote Application Assistance

All funded ACP application assistance support must be done in person. Remote ACP

Application assistance support is prohibited under the Pilot Program Outreach Grants.

  1. Prohibition of Lobbying

Use of appropriated funds, without the express authorization of Congress, to directly or

indirectly pay for personal services or communications intended or designed to influence

Members of Congress, jurisdictions, or officials of any government with regard to any

legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation is prohibited under the Pilot Program

Outreach Grants.

  1. Allowable Costs

Costs funded through the Pilot Program Outreach Grants must be necessary, reasonable, and

allocable to the award. The allowable cost list in Table 4 is not comprehensive but is meant

to demonstrate types of outreach activities that are deemed effective in reaching ACP-eligible



Applicants, as part of their application, must disclose specific types of outreach activities

(including ACP application assistance), along with associated costs. Costs must include

breakdown of budget and computation methods used for each budget category. The FCC, as

part of the application review process, will determine cost reasonableness and allowability of

such costs prior to making funding determination. In some cases, determining cost

reasonableness and allocability of certain items may be difficult at the time of application

submission. As such, the FCC may require the grantee to request prior written approval in

advance of incurring certain costs, and to include the timeframe for when such costs are to be



Table 4 – Allowable Cost Categories



Description of Allowable Costs

ACP Application Assistance 

In-person ACP application assistance support offered to ACP-eligible households. Note: Remote technical and application assistance support is unallowable.

Digital Campaigns 

Execution of ACP marketing strategy on various digital and social media channels where ACP-eligible households are likely to engage. This includes but is not limited to social media, mass text messaging, phone banks, etc.

Outreach Materials 

Development, printing, and distribution of infographics, fact sheets, flyers, newsletters, consumer handouts, and/or literature campaigns. This includes in-language translation of outreach materials to reach diverse communities and making outreach materials accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Note: The FCC will make available a toolkit of outreach materials grant and subgrant recipients may leverage and tailor to their intended audience.

Direct Mail

Development, printing, and distribution of direct mail to eligible households.

ACP Service Provider Locator 

Provision of information to eligible households on how to locate ACP service providers serving in the areas where the outreach is performed.


Compensation for personnel whose time was spent exclusively conducting ACP outreach activities and/or in-person ACP application assistance either in a part-time or full-time capacity.

Fringe Benefits 

For personnel time exclusively spent on ACP outreach and/or ACP application assistance. Guidance on calculating fringe benefits is available at 2 CFR § 200.431.


Costs associated with the planning and execution of ACP in-person and virtual outreach events, workshops, campaigns, and activities to raise ACP

awareness. Costs associated with the planning and execution of in-person ACP application assistance events. Light refreshments for in-person ACP outreach events must be included as part of the budget submission and approved by the FCC.


Travel to- and from planned ACP outreach and/or in-person ACP application assistance events, to include mileage, gas, and related travel incidentals.


Information technology hardware or systems such as hotspots, tablets, computers, printers, etc. that will be used exclusively for ACP outreach and ACP application assistance. This cost is capped at $5,000 of awarded funds.

Project Management (management an administrative)

Costs incurred in direct support of grant administration that are not included in the organization’s indirect cost pool (e.g., preparing and submitting programmatic and financial reports, establishing and/or maintaining inventory, responding to official information requests such as audits,

monitoring pass-through recipients). This cost is capped at 5% of awarded funds.

Facilities Rental 

Costs associated with facilities rental for ACP outreach and/or in-person ACP application assistance events.

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are allowable under this program as described in 2 CFR Part 200, including 2 CFR § 200.414. Applicants with a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement that desire to charge indirect costs to an award must provide a copy of their negotiated indirect cost rate agreement at the time of application. Applicants who do not have a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (including a provisional rate) and wish to charge the 10% de minimis rate must adhere to the requirements described in 2 CFR § 200.414(f).

Paid Media Campaigns 

Placement of ACP advertising directed to target audience on television, radio, billboards, local and regional newspapers, and other culturally relevant outlets.

Consumer Research / Focus Groups

Investigation of the needs of ACP-eligible households about services offered and the ACP application process. Gathering ACP eligible households to participate in a guided discussion about the ACP application experience.


  1. Unallowable Costs

Unallowable costs are those that are deemed not necessary, reasonable, nor allocable to the award based on the Goals and Objectives of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants. Further, Federal Cost Principles prohibit certain activities when using grant funds because they are a form of federal financial assistance. Table 5 includes a list of unallowable costs, which is not intended to be all-inclusive. Consult the Federal Cost Principles for the complete explanation of allowable and unallowable costs.


Table 5 – Unallowable Cost Categories

Table 5 – Unallowable Cost Categories


Description of Unallowable Costs



Costs incurred by the grant or subgrant recipient prior to the start date of the  period of performance. This includes costs associated with the preparation and  submission of the application package.


Used to evaluate program plans and procedures such as tabletop, functional, or  full-scale.


Tangible personal property, to include information technology systems, that  exceeds $5,000. Any tangible personal property that is less than or equal to  $5,000 is allowable and should be included under the Supplies cost category.  See 2 CFR § 200.1 for more information. 




Internet Service Provider branded materials, to include broadband industry  groups such as trade associations, labeled outreach materials, gear or any other  promotional materials that could compromise neutrality of grant-funded  outreach activities. 

Gifts &  


Gifts or incentives provided to consumers that could compromise grant and  subgrant recipient’s neutrality and improperly influence eligible households’  choice of provider, or other gifts or incentives to encourage consumers to learn  about, apply for, or enroll in the ACP.



Membership fees and dues incurred by the grant recipient that are not  exclusively tied to event attendance to conduct ACP outreach activities.



Property having no physical existence, such as trademarks, copyrights, patents  and patent applications and property, such as loans, notes, other debt  instruments, lease agreements, stock, and other types of property ownership.

Real Property 

Purchase or acquisition of land, including land improvements, structures, and  appurtenances thereto.

Construction &  Renovation

Any construction or renovation costs. 

Entertainment/ Alcohol /  


Entertainment, purchase of alcohol, or meals. Note: Light refreshments are  allowed with prior FCC approval.



Direct or indirect use of funds to support or oppose collective bargaining.




Costs resulting from grant or subgrant recipient’s violations of, or failure to  comply with, federal, state, Tribal, local, or foreign laws and regulations.


Costs of organized fundraising, including financial campaigns, and similar  expenses incurred to raise capital or obtain contributions. 




The general costs of government for states, local governments, and federally recognized Indian Tribes.

Goods &  


Costs of goods or services for personal use. 


Question 15: Application Review Information 

Answer 15: 

To ensure compliance with the applicable federal statutes and regulations as well as  appropriately determine the impact of proposed projects against the Pilot Program Outreach  Grants’ goals, objectives, and priorities, submitted applications will undergo the following  review processes.  

  1. Eligibility (Compliance) Review 

Only applications that are submitted to on or no later than 9:00 PM EST on  January 9, 2023, will be considered. Late applications will not be considered for review  or funding determination. If an applicant submits more than one application, the last on time submission will be considered for eligibility and review; all prior submissions will be  ineligible.  

As part of the Eligibility (Compliance) Review, the FCC will determine if: 

  • The applicant is deemed an eligible entity under the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, to include not being on the Suspension and Debarment List; 
  • The applicant successfully submitted all the required grants standard forms; and  • The applicant successfully submitted the required program-specific application: Pilot  Programs application in USAC Pilots Application Portal, and Detailed Budget Worksheet  and Narrative in 

Due to the competitive nature of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, failure to meet one or  more of these requirements will result in non-compliance and the application will be  eliminated from further review and funding consideration. Therefore, it is important for  applicants to ensure that all submitted applications are complete and successfully uploaded to or the USAC Pilots Application Portal, as instructions indicate, upon completing  the application process.  

  1. Merit Review 

Merit Reviewers will evaluate and score each assigned application using the following  criteria: 

  • The applicant’s ability to conduct impactful outreach to target populations: This includes  an examination of the applicant’s role in the community, purpose and mission, and prior  outreach experience with low-income households, and for YHYI funding, experience  with outreach to federal housing assistance recipients. 
  • Potential impact of the applicant’s proposed Pilot project, to include the following  considerations:  

o The scope of the geographic area to be served and the estimated number of  individuals the applicant intends to engage through proposed Pilot activities, and the  estimated percentage of those individuals that may be ACP-eligible; 

o The applicant’s demonstration that it would encourage participation by those in the applicant’s target community(ies) that have a low participation in the ACP, including  potential impact on households without broadband or that are not enrolled in a low income broadband plan; and 

o Potential benefit to other entities looking to assist federal public housing assistance  recipients or other low-income consumers, and likelihood of generating best  practices and lessons learned for others with similar needs.  

  • Quality and feasibility of applicant’s proposed outreach: This includes a consideration of  the applicant’s outreach strategy, goals, and objectives; applicant’s projected outcomes  and milestones; and the applicant’s plan for tracking, evaluating, and measuring the  success of the outreach (including application assistance) activities they conduct in  connection with their participation in the Pilot Program(s). Consideration will be given  to the applicant’s ability to collect data on whether households lacked previous access to  home or mobile broadband internet.  
  • Budget: Whether costs are reasonable in relation to the proposed activities and  anticipated results. 
  1. Funding Determination 

At the conclusion of the Merit Review, the average of each reviewer’s application scores will  be sorted in descending order (i.e., highest scoring to lowest scoring). Scores will be highly  relevant to final funding recommendations but will not be the sole determining factor. Note:  Due to the limited number of Pilot participants that will be selected, the FCC will weigh the  interest in geographic and entity type diversity against the applicant’s final score.  

In the event of a tie during the funding determination process, the Selecting Official will have discretion to award grant funds to the application that best meets the overall goals, objectives,  and priorities of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants.  

The list of applicants recommended for funding will advance to the Risk Review prior to  proposed funding recommendations going to the Selecting Official for final approval.  

  1. Risk Review 

Applications that are recommended for funding consideration based on the outcome of the  Merit Review will undergo a pre-award risk assessment. This will include a review of the  financial stability of an applicant, the quality of the applicant’s management systems, its  history of performance, reports, and findings from federal financial assistance audits. The  Risk Review will also evaluate if the applicant is suspended or debarred. Upon completion  of the pre-award risk assessment, the FCC will determine whether the applicant is qualified  to receive the award and, if so, whether specific award conditions that correspond to the  degree of risk posed by the applicant should be applied to the award. 

  1. Final Selection 

WCB is the program administrator for the ACP Pilot Programs, whereas CGB has delegated  authority to administer grants on behalf of the FCC. As such, final results from the Merit and  Risk Reviews will be used to make funding recommendations to the CGB Chief and WCB  Chief to ensure the integrity of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants and the FCC’s grants  authority. The CGB and WCB Chiefs will serve as the Selecting Officials and provide final  approval of applicants selected for Pilot Program Outreach Grants funding. The CGB and  WCB Chiefs retain the discretion to consider other factors and information. 


Once final approval is made, a Notice of Award (NOA) will be generated through  


Question 16: Federal Award Administration Information

Answer 16: By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to comply with the requirements of this  NOFO as well as the terms and conditions of its award should it receive an award, and the  rules and requirements for the applicable Pilot Program. The applicant also agrees to comply  with the requirements set forth in the ACP Grant Program Second Report and Order (FCC  22-64), Third Report and Order (FCC 22-65), 47 CFR § 54, and 2 CFR Subtitle B, Part 6000.  The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for  Federal Awards, set forth in 2 CFR § 200, shall apply to this federal award. 

  1. Notice of Award 

Before accepting the award, the AOR and recipient should carefully review the award  package. The award package includes instructions on administering the grant award and the  terms and conditions associated with responsibilities under federal awards. Recipients must  accept all conditions in this NOFO, in addition to any special terms and conditions in the  NOA to receive an award under the Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program – Pilot  Program Grants. 

Notification of award approval is made through through an  automatic electronic mail to the recipient’s authorized official listed in the initial application.  The award date will be the date that the FCC approves the award. The recipient must first  login through to access GrantSolutions and follow the directions in the  notification to confirm acceptance of the award. Funds will remain on hold until the  recipient accepts the award through and all other conditions of the  award have been satisfied or until the award is otherwise rescinded. 

Evidence of Cost Sharing (only for entities that propose optional cost share/cost match):  Note that if the applicant is recommended for an award, it will be required to provide  documentation of any voluntary match proposed and included in the NOA by letter(s) of firm  commitment, such as a letter on the organization’s letterhead, Memoranda of Understanding  or other signed agreements from those entities identified as partners in the proposal. All  commitment documents provided at the time of award must clearly identify the dollar  amount, the source(s) of the funds, and the proposed uses that comply with the requirements  of this NOFO and be signed by the authorized official. All matching funds must be used  within the period of performance. Cost sharing or matching means the portion of project  costs not paid by federal funds (unless otherwise authorized by federal statute). Applicants  should refer to 2 CFR § 200.306 for specific requirements. 

Recipients must accept their awards no later than 30 days from the award date. The recipient  shall notify the FCC of its intent to accept and proceed with work under the award or provide  a notice of intent to decline through Failure to accept a grant  award within the 30-day timeframe may result in termination of award. For instructions on how to accept or decline an award, refer to content/uploads/2021/03/Accepting-a-Grant.pdf

  1. Pass-Through Requirements 

The FCC grant recipient or pass-through entity must require all subrecipients to comply with  the terms and conditions of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants award, including applicable  provisions of the OMB Uniform Guidance (2 CFR § 200), all associated Terms and  Conditions set forth herein, the ACP Grant Program Second Report and Order (FCC 22-64),  Third Report and Order (FCC 22-65), 47 CFR § 54, and 2 CFR Subtitle B, Part 6000. Pass-through entities are responsible for conducting risk assessments of potential subrecipients  and monitoring their subrecipients. 

Payments shall be paid only to the grant recipient or pass-through entity identified in the  NOA. It shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient or pass-through entity to pay any  subrecipients in accordance with 2 CFR § 200. 

To ensure full transparency regarding any subrecipients, grant recipients or pass-through  entities must inform the FCC of which subrecipients they use as well as the amount of each  subaward. If subrecipient information is not provided in an application or prior to NOA issuance (e.g., pending competitive selection of subrecipient(s) by recipient), award funds  budgeted for the subaward may be withheld until required information is received by FCC  Grants Management Specialist. 

  1. Financial Management  

Per 2 CFR § 200.302(a), each State must expend and account for the federal award in  accordance with State laws and procedures for expending and accounting for the State’s own  funds. In addition, the State’s and any other non-federal entity’s financial management  systems, including records documenting compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and  the terms and conditions of the federal award, must be sufficient to permit the preparation of  reports required by general and program-specific terms and conditions; and the tracing of  funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used in  accordance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions applicable to this  federal award.  

  1. Red Light Rule 

Pursuant to 47 CFR § 1.1910 and the ACP Grant Program Second Report and Order (FCC  22-64), the ACP Outreach Grant Program, including the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, will be subject to the Red Light Rule that the Commission implemented to satisfy the  requirements of Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. Under the Red Light Rule, the  FCC will not take action on applications or other requests by an entity that is found to owe  debts to the Commission until full payment or resolution of that debt. If a prospective grant  applicant is on the Red Light, it will need to satisfy or make arrangements to satisfy any  debts owed to the Commission before the application submission deadline as captured in  this NOFO. Per 47 CFR § 1.1910(b)(3), if the delinquent debt remains unpaid or other  arrangements have not been made within 30 days of being notified of the debt, due to the competitive nature of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, the Commission will  automatically disqualify the applicant from funding consideration.


  1. Treasury Offset 

ACP Outreach Grant Program grant recipients will be subject to Treasury Offset. The U.S.  Treasury Department has several collection tools, including its offset program, known as  the Treasury Offset Program (TOP), through which it collects delinquent debts owed to  federal agencies and states by individuals and entities, by offsetting those debts against  federal monies owed to the debtors. Grant recipients that owe past-due debt to a federal  agency or a state may have all or part of their payments offset by the Treasury to satisfy such  debt. Prior to referral of its debt to the Treasury, entities are notified of the debt owed,  including repayment instructions. If the referred debt of a grantee remains outstanding at  the time of a payment by the U.S. Treasury from the ACP Fund to that grantee, the grantee  will be notified by Treasury that some or all of its payment has been offset to satisfy an  outstanding federal or state debt. Potential grant applicants who owe past due federal or  state debts are encouraged to resolve such debts and in doing so, consult the TOP  Frequently Asked Questions for the Public, available at for-the-public.html, for delinquent debt that has been referred to Treasury, and for  delinquent debt that the Commission has not yet referred to Treasury, consult

  1. Do Not Pay 

Per the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019, the FCC will conduct a thorough  review of available databases with relevant information on eligibility to determine award  eligibility and prevent improper payments before the release of any federal funds. The  FCC will use the Do Not Pay system administered by the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal  Service and if the applicant’s name is on the Do Not Pay system, this will result in  disqualification from ACP Outreach Grant Program funding consideration. The applicant  must resolve its listing in the Do Not Pay system prior to the application submission  deadline and produce evidence that its listing should be removed or is being processed for  removal at the time of application submission deadline. The Do Not Pay system helps to reduce the number of improper payments by providing streamlined access to relevant data during the pre-award process and anytime during the payment lifecycle. If a grant recipient is on the Do Not Pay system at any time throughout the period of performance, a grant recipient may have delayed or denied payments until the grant recipient resolves the listing. 

  1. Award Payments 

The FCC will use the grantee organization name, address, UEI and electronic funds transfer  information found in SAM to register your official address and banking information for  payments. In order to receive payment, the grant recipients must maintain an active SAM  registration with current information at all times during which it has an active federal award.  Payments to the grant recipient will be made on a reimbursement basis through FCC payment  system; as such, the SF-270 shall NOT be submitted by the recipient.


  1. Program and Budget Modifications 

Per 2 CFR § 200.308 (Revision of budget and program plans) and 2 CFR § 200.407 (Prior  written approval), the recipient must obtain prior written approval from the FCC Grants  Management Specialist for certain proposed programmatic change requests, unless otherwise  provided by the terms and conditions of an FCC award. Requests for prior approval for  changes to program plans must be submitted to the FCC Grants Management Specialist (or  electronically for awards administered through GrantSolutions). Requests requiring prior  FCC approval are not effective unless and until approved in writing by the FCC. 


Question 17: Post Award Reporting Requirements

Answer 17: 

Award recipients are required to submit various financial and performance reports as a  condition of award acceptance. Future awards and funds draw-down may be withheld if these  reports are delinquent. Grant recipients must submit all financial and progress reports  electronically on a quarterly basis as an attachment to Final  performance and financial reports must also be submitted electronically through

  1. Federal Performance Reporting  
  2. Quarterly Performance Progress Reports 

The recipient is required to submit its PPR within 30 calendar days of the end of the  progress reporting period, including partial calendar quarters, as well as in periods where  no grant award activity occurs. The PPR must indicate progress against performance  measures specified in the award conditions and should relate financial data to the  performance accomplishments of the recipient’s federal award. Each PPR should include  the following information, to be completed in an FCC-provided template and format: • A brief narrative of overall project(s) status 

  • A summary of project expenditures and accomplishments 
  • A summary of upcoming activities and milestones 
  • A description of any potential issues that may affect project completion  • An updated list of agents, and IDs, with an ID in the Representative Agent Database  (RAD)  
  • An update against performance measures 

PPR Reporting Period* 

Report Due Date

October 1 – December 31 

January 30

January 1 – March 31 

April 30

April 1 – June 30 

July 30

July 1 – September 30 

October 30


*The reporting period excludes the final PPR due at closeout. 

Note: Based on the anticipated award date of March 2023, the first PPR submission will be  due on July 30, 2023. Grant and subgrant recipients may be asked to submit products  funded by the Pilot Program Outreach Grants to share as a best practice for others to  leverage. 


  1. Final Performance Report 

Grant recipients must submit a final performance report within 120 calendar days after the  expiration of the period of performance established in the award document. The grant  recipients shall require that all subrecipients submit their final performance report to the  grant recipient or pass-through entity within 90 calendar days unless an extension has been  granted by the FCC. The final performance report must provide an assessment of the Pilot  Program Outreach Grants’ performance against its goals, objectives, and supporting  measures. Grant recipients, including pass-through entities, shall also summarize any  lessons learned and best practices in conducting ACP outreach and application assistance  as well as administering the Pilot Program Outreach Grants. 

  1. Federal Financial Reporting  

The grant recipient may charge to the federal award only allowable costs incurred during the  period of performance, consistent with this NOFO and as established in the award document.  Period of performance means the total estimated time interval between the start of an initial  federal award and the planned end date. 

  1. Quarterly Financial Reports 

Per 2 CFR § 200.328 (Financial reporting), the recipient must submit an SF-425 (Federal  Financial Report [FFR]) or any successor form electronically on a quarterly basis  throughout the period of performance, including partial calendar quarters, as well as in  periods where no grant award activity occurs. The recipient is required to submit its FFR  within 30 calendar days of the end of the financial reporting period unless an extension has  been granted. The PPR and FFR should be submitted at the same frequency. The recipient  or pass-through entity must also request and include relevant subrecipient information to  ensure reporting obligations are fulfilled. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be  withheld if these reports are delinquent, demonstrate a lack of progress, or are insufficient  in detail. A recipient may submit a final financial report in lieu of a quarterly financial  report if all approved project(s) are successfully completed ahead of the end of the period  of performance.  

FFR Reporting Period* 

Report Due Date

October 1 – December 31 

January 30

January 1 – March 31 

April 30

April 1 – June 30 

July 30

July 1 – September 30 

October 30


*The reporting period excludes the final FFR due at closeout.  

Note: Based on the anticipated award date of March 2023, the first PPR submission will be  due on July 30, 2023. 

  1. Final Financial Report 

Grant recipients must submit a final financial report within 120 calendar days after the  expiration of the period of performance. The subrecipient is required to submit its final  financial report to the pass-through entity within 90 calendar days unless an extension has  been granted.


  1. Period of Performance Extensions 

Due to the competitive funding determination of the Pilot Program Outreach Grants, only no cost (i.e., extending project period without additional funding) period of performance  extensions will be considered. No-cost extensions to the initial period of performance will  only be considered through formal, written requests to the recipient’s FCC Grants  Management Specialist and must contain specific justifications as to why an extension is  required. This request must be submitted electronically through  Recipients are advised to coordinate with the FCC Grants Management Specialist as needed  when preparing an extension request. 

All extension requests must address the following: 

  • Award Number; 
  • Reason for the delay, to include details of the legal, policy, or operational changes that  prevent the final outlay of awarded funds by the deadline; 
  • Current status of activity; 
  • Approved period of performance termination date and new proposed project completion  date; 
  • Amount of funds drawn down to date; 
  • Remaining available funds; 
  • Budget outlining how remaining funds will be expended; 
  • Plan for completion, including milestones and timeframes for achieving each milestone  and the position or person responsible for implementing the plan for completion; and • Certification that the activities will be completed within the extended period of  performance. 

Extension requests will be granted only due to compelling legal, policy, or operational  changes. Extension requests will only be considered if: 

  • Sufficient funding remains for the overall ACP where continuation of outreach and  application assistance activities, beyond the original performance end date, will be  beneficial in further increasing ACP awareness and enrollment efforts; and 
  • Contractual commitments by the recipient or subrecipient with vendors prevent  completion of the project within the existing period of performance.  

Grant recipients should submit all proposed extension requests to the FCC for review and  consideration at least 120 days prior to the end of the period of performance to allow  sufficient processing time. Any amendment of the award to extend the period of  performance is at the sole discretion of the FCC. Extensions will not be granted for more  than a six-month period.  

  1. Closeout Reporting 

Within 120 days after the end of the period of performance for the prime award or after an  amendment has been issued to close out an award before the original period of performance  ends, whichever occurs first, recipients must liquidate all financial obligations and submit the  following documentation to

  • The final request for payment, if applicable; 
  • The final FFR (SF-425);
  • The final PPR; and 
  • Other documents required by the FCC. 

In addition, any grant recipient or pass-through entity that issues subawards to any  subrecipient is responsible for closing out those subawards as described in 2 CFR § 200.344;  subrecipients are still required to submit closeout materials within 90 days of the subaward  period of performance end date. When the subrecipient completes all closeout requirements,  grant recipients and pass-through entities must promptly complete all closeout actions for  subawards in time for the grant recipient or pass-through entity to submit all necessary  documentation and information to the FCC during the closeout of their prime award. 

After the prime award closeout reports have been reviewed and approved by the FCC, a  closeout notice will be completed to close out the grant. The notice will indicate the period  of performance as closed, list any remaining funds that will be deobligated, and address the  requirement of maintaining the award records for at least three years from the date of the  final FFR.  

  1. Wind-Down  

The wind-down process begins when the forecasted end of the ACP is announced, thereby  not giving sufficient time to implement and execute new outreach efforts. Recipients and  subrecipients may continue to use their grant funds for outreach until ACP enrollments cease  pursuant to any wind-down procedures to be established for ACP. Once ACP enrollments  cease, the remaining grant funds that have not been drawn down may be allocated back to the  larger ACP budget to pay for broadband service and connected devices. 


Question 18: Monitoring, Compliance, and Oversight

Answer 18: 

Effective monitoring and oversight help the FCC ensure that recipients use grant funds for  their intended purpose, verify that projects undertaken are consistent with approved plans,  and ensure that recipients make adequate progress towards stated goals and objectives.  Monitoring serves as the primary mechanism to ensure that recipients comply with applicable  laws, rules, regulations, program guidance, and requirements. Consistent with 2 CFR §  200.303, federal grant recipients must have internal controls over the federal award and  provide reasonable assurance that the non-federal entity is managing the award in compliance  with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of this award.  

The FCC will monitor all grant awards both financially and programmatically as monitoring  efforts ultimately serve to evaluate progress towards grant goal, objectives, and proactively  target and address issues that may threaten grant success during the period of performance.  Financial and programmatic monitoring are also complementary processes and ensure  effective grants management, accountability, and transparency; and safeguard federal funds  against fraud, waste, and abuse. 

The FCC will periodically monitor recipients to ensure that administrative processes, policies  and procedures, budgets, and other related award criteria are meeting federal government-wide regulations. Aside from reviewing quarterly financial and programmatic reports, the  FCC may also conduct enhanced monitoring through desk reviews, onsite monitoring visits,  or both. Enhanced monitoring will identify areas where the recipient may need technical  assistance, corrective actions, or other support.  

Per 2 CFR § 200.337, the FCC has the right, at all reasonable times, to make site visits or  conduct desk reviews to review project accomplishments and management control systems,  to review award progress, and to provide any required technical assistance. During site visits  or desk reviews, the FCC will review recipients’ files related to the award, as well as conduct  other monitoring activities. As part of any monitoring and program evaluation activities,  recipients must permit the FCC, upon reasonable notice, to review grant-related records and  to interview the organization’s staff and contractors regarding the program. Recipients must  respond in a timely and accurate manner to the FCC’s requests for information relating to the  award.  

Recipients who are pass-through entities are responsible for monitoring their subrecipients in  a manner consistent with the terms of the federal award at 2 CFR § 200, including 2 CFR §  200.332. This includes the pass-through entity’s responsibility to monitor the activities of  the subrecipient as necessary to ensure that the subaward is used for authorized purposes, in  compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward;  and that subaward performance goals are achieved. 

In terms of overall award management, recipient and subrecipient responsibilities include,  but are not limited to:  

  • Accounting of receipts and expenditures; 
  • Cash management; 
  • Maintaining adequate financial records; 
  • Reporting and refunding expenditures disallowed by audits; 
  • Monitoring if acting as a pass-through entity; 
  • Other assessments and reviews; and 
  • Ensuring overall compliance with the terms and conditions of the award or subaward, as  applicable, including the terms of 2 CFR § 200. 

Financial monitoring primarily focuses on statutory and regulatory compliance along with  administrative grant requirements. Programmatic monitoring seeks to validate and assist in  grant progress, targeting issues that may be hindering project goals and ensuring compliance  with the purpose of the grant program. Both monitoring processes are similar in that they  feature initial reviews of all open awards, and in-depth monitoring of grants requiring  additional attention.  

  1. Financial Monitoring and Compliance 

The FCC’s approach to financial monitoring includes the following core components: • Monitoring Activities: Monitoring activities include cash analysis, desk reviews, and site  visits. The FCC Grants Management Specialists are responsible for conducting quarterly  reviews of all grants via cash analysis. Desk reviews and site visits are additional  monitoring activities conducted on grants where the monitoring assessment process identified the need for additional monitoring and validated the use of FCC resources for  these activities. Additionally, site visits are at times conducted due to OIG hotline  complaints. 

  • Post-Monitoring Actions: Monitoring staff may follow up with recipients via post monitoring actions based on the outcomes of monitoring activities. Post-monitoring  actions include conducting additional monitoring; reviewing Corrective Action Plans  (CAP) and monitoring the progress of CAP deliverables; documenting the resolution of  identified corrective actions and issues; providing technical assistance and recipient  training; and debt collection.  
  1. Standard Monitoring Activity: Cash Analysis  

Through cash analysis, the FCC Grants Management Specialist assesses and reports on the  recipients’ cash-on-hand, expenditures, and unliquidated obligations; cash on hand issues;  and spend down activities within the period of performance. The analysis reconciles and  compares grant disbursement records with the recipient submitted FFR. This process  identifies recipients that may require additional monitoring due to issues identified with  drawdowns or FFR submissions.  

  1. Enhanced Monitoring Activities: Desk Review, Site Visit  

Desk reviews and site visits are two forms of additional monitoring that the FCC may  conduct on a recipient. Table 6 defines the key differences and similarities. 

Table 6 – Enhanced Financial Monitoring Activities (Desk Review and Site Visit) Desk Review Site Visit


• Review grant files to verify compliance, conduct interviews to confirm  adherence to approved program plans, allowable use, and inventory controls; • Document that recipient possess adequate internal controls, policies, processes,  and systems to manage FCC grants effectively; 

• Assist the recipient with the grant process and provide guidance to improve  recipient administrative efficiencies; 

• Identify and analyze relevant problems that might prevent the program from  achieving its objectives; and  

• Provide technical assistance.


A detailed, paper-based review and  

evaluation conducted at an FCC location.  Desk reviews do not require travel.

A visit by the FCC Grants  

Management Specialist conducted  at the site of the recipient’s  

operations and/or selected  

performance sites. Site visits may  require travel by the FCC.


Required reports, correspondence, and other  documentation, including policies and  procedures, to substantiate compliance.  Additional documentation available remotely  may include information available through  the grant file, financial reports, interviews,  and other documentation and correspondence  to verify compliance. 

Includes documents listed under  the desk review in addition to all  applicable documents and required  reports necessary to assess  

recipient capability and progress,  validate records, and substantiate  compliance with laws, regulations,  and policies. 

  1. Progress Monitoring and Compliance  

Progress monitoring involves oversight throughout the award lifecycle for the FCC to verify  that projects undertaken by recipients are consistent with approved plans and comply with  applicable laws, regulations, program guidance, and the terms and conditions of the award.  Programmatic monitoring also plays an important role in ensuring a data-driven approach to  tracking progress against Pilot Program Outreach Grants’ performance measures. It is also  an opportunity for the FCC to build relationships with recipients and to work collaboratively  to identify and mitigate factors that may impede programmatic performance. The FCC will  also use monitoring to validate data previously self-reported by recipients in applications and  prior reporting submissions to gauge overall progress.  


Question 19: Award Closeout and Termination

Answer 19: 

The FCC may terminate a federal award in whole or in part for one of the following reasons  outlined below, in which termination conditions, including the effective date, and in the case of  partial termination, the portion to be terminated have been documented. The FCC and the  recipient must still comply with closeout requirements at 2 CFR §§ 200.344 – 200.345 even if  an award is terminated in whole or in part. Pass-through entities should refer to 2 CFR §  200.340 for additional information on termination regarding subawards. 

  1. Administrative Closeout 

Administrative closeout is a mechanism for the FCC to unilaterally move forward with  closeout of an award using available award information in lieu of final reports from the  recipient per 2 CFR § 200.344(h)-(i). It is a last resort available to the FCC, and if the FCC  needs to administratively close an award, this may negatively impact a recipient’s ability to  obtain future funding. This mechanism can also require the FCC to make cost adjustments  and unallowable/disallowable costs determinations based on the information it has, which  may result in identifying a debt owed to the FCC by the recipient.  

When a recipient is not responsive to the FCC’s reasonable efforts to collect required reports  needed to complete the standard closeout process, the FCC is required under 2 CFR §  200.344(h) to start the administrative closeout process within the regulatory timeframe. The  FCC will make at least three written attempts to collect required reports before initiating  administrative closeout. If the recipient does not submit all required reports in accordance  with 2 CFR § 200.344, this NOFO, and the terms and conditions of the award, the FCC must  proceed to administratively close the award using the information available within one year  of the period of performance end date. Additionally, if the recipient does not submit all  required reports within one year of the period of performance end date, per 2 CFR §  200.344(i), the FCC must report in FAPIIS the recipient’s material failure to comply with the  terms and conditions of the award. 

If the FCC administratively closes an award where no final FFR has been submitted, the FCC  uses that administrative closeout date in lieu of the final FFR submission date as the start of  the three-year record retention period. In addition, if an award is administratively closed, the  FCC may decide to impose remedies for non-compliance per 2 CFR § 200.339, consider this information in reviewing future award applications, or apply special conditions to existing or  future awards. 

  1. Specific Conditions  

Failure to perform the work in accordance with the terms of the award and maintain  satisfactory performance as determined by the FCC may result in the imposition of additional  award conditions pursuant to 2 CFR § 200.208 including but not limited to: temporarily  withholding award payments pending the correction of the deficiency; the disallowance of  award costs and the establishment of an accounts receivable; wholly or partially suspending  or terminating an award; initiating suspension or debarment proceedings in accordance with  2 CFR § 180; and such other remedies as may be legally available.  

  1. Non-Compliance 

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of a federal award as determined by the FCC  may result in termination of the award in whole or in part. If the noncompliance can be  corrected, the FCC may first attempt to direct the recipient to correct the noncompliance.  This may take the form of a Compliance Notification. If the noncompliance is not corrected  or the recipient is non-responsive, the FCC may proceed with a Remedy Notification, which  could impose a remedy for noncompliance per 2 CFR § 200.339, including termination. Any  action to terminate based on noncompliance will follow the requirements of 2 CFR §§ 200.341 – 200.342 as well as the requirements of 2 CFR § 200.340(c) to report in FAPIIS the  recipient’s material failure to comply with the award terms and conditions. 

  1. Termination 

2 CFR § 200.340 (Termination) through § 200.343 (Effects of suspension and termination)  apply to an award that is terminated prior to the end of the period of performance due to the  non-federal entity’s repeated failure to comply with the award terms and conditions. In  addition, the failure to comply with the provisions of an FCC award may adversely impact  the availability of funding under other federal awards and may also have a negative impact  on a non-federal entity’s eligibility for future FCC or federal awards.  

The recipient may terminate the award, in whole or in part, by sending written notification to  the FCC setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and in the case of  partial termination, the portion to be terminated. In the case of partial termination, the FCC  may determine that a partially terminated award will not accomplish the purpose of the  federal award, so the FCC may terminate the award in its entirety. If that occurs, the FCC  will follow the requirements of 2 CFR §§ 200.341 – 200.342 in deciding to fully terminate  the award. 

  1. Post-Closeout Adjustments 

The FCC or the pass-through entity has the right to disallow costs and recover funds based on  a later audit or other review. The FCC or the pass-through entity must make any cost  disallowance determination and notify the non-federal entity within the record retention  period. The FCC may make financial adjustments to a previously closed award such as  resolving indirect cost payments and making final payments. Refer to 2 CFR § 200.345 for  additional information.

  1. Records Retention  

Per 2 CFR § 200.334, financial records, supporting documents, and all other non-federal entity records pertinent to a federal award must be retained for a period of three years from  the date of submission of the final expenditure report to the FCC or pass-through entity in the  case of a subrecipient. The FCC and pass-through entities must not impose any other record  retention requirements upon non-federal entities. The record retention period may be longer  than three years where an audit, litigation, or claim is not resolved and final action is not  taken until after expiration of the three-year period; the FCC or another agency notifies the  non-federal entity in writing that the retention period will be extended; or other  circumstances outlined in 2 CFR §§ 200.334 – 200.336, 200.338, and 47 CFR § 54.1904. 

Question 20: Mandatory Disclosures 

Answer 20: 

  1. Other Federal Awards with Similar Programmatic Activities  

The recipient must immediately provide written notification to the FCC Grants Management  Specialist if, subsequent to receipt of the FCC award, other financial assistance is received to  support or fund any portion of the scope of work incorporated into the FCC award. The FCC  will not pay for duplicative costs that are funded by other governmental or non-governmental  sources. 

  1. Lobbying Activities 

Any recipient that receives more than $100,000 in federal funding and conducts lobbying  with non-federal funds relating to a covered federal action (i.e., contract, grant, cooperative  agreement, loan, loan guarantee, or loan insurance) must submit a completed Form SF-LLL  (Disclosure of Lobbying Activities). The Form SF-LLL must be submitted within 30  calendar days following the end of the calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that  requires disclosure or that materially affects the accuracy of the information contained in any  disclosure form previously filed. The recipient must submit any required SF-LLL forms,  including those received from subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors, to the FCC  Grants Management Specialist. 

  1. Suspension and Debarment  

The Commission currently has a pending proceeding in which it is considering whether to  adopt (with modifications) the governmentwide OMB Guidelines to Agencies on  Government Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement) codified at 2 CFR § 180. See  Modernizing Suspension and Debarment Rules, GN Docket No 19-309, Notice of Proposed  Rulemaking, 34 FCC Rcd 11348 (2019). The FCC stated that the proposed “[suspension and  debarment] rules, should they be adopted, will apply to the Affordable Connectivity Outreach  Grant Program.” As a result, should the proposed suspension and debarment rules be  adopted, grant recipients would be subject to those rules, including the notification and  disclosure obligations set forth under 2 CFR §180.335 and § 180.350. 

  1. Conflict of Interest 

To eliminate and reduce the impact of conflicts of interest in the subaward process, recipients  and pass-through entities must follow their own policies and procedures regarding the  elimination or reduction of conflicts of interest when making subawards. Recipients and pass-through entities are also required to follow any applicable federal, state, local, tribal,  and territorial statutes or regulations governing conflicts of interest in the making of  subawards. 

The recipient or pass-through entity must disclose to the FCC Grants Management Specialist,  in writing, any real or potential conflict of interest that may arise during the administration of  the federal award, as defined by the federal or state, local, tribal, territorial statutes or  regulations or their own existing policies, within five days of learning of the conflict of  interest. Similarly, subrecipients, whether acting as subrecipients or as pass-through entities,  must disclose any real or potential conflict of interest to the recipient or next-level pass through entity as required by the recipient or pass-through entity’s conflict of interest  policies, or any applicable federal or state, local, tribal, territorial statutes or regulations.  

Under 2 CFR § 200.318(c)(1), non-federal entities other than states are required to maintain  written standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest and governing the actions of their  employees engaged in the selection, award, and administration of contracts. No employee,  

officer, or agent may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract  supported by a federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest. Such  conflicts of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or  her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization that employs or is about to  employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible  personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract. 

The officers, employees, and agents of the non-federal entity may neither solicit nor accept  gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts.  However, non-federal entities may set standards for situations in which the financial interest  is not substantial, or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value. The standards of  conduct must provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards  by officers, employees, or agents of the non-federal entity. If the recipient or subrecipient  (other than states) has a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary organization that is not a state, local,  tribal, or territorial government, the non-federal entity must also maintain written standards  of conduct covering organizational conflicts of interest. In this context, organizational  conflict of interest means that because of a relationship with a parent company, affiliate, or  subsidiary organization, the non-federal entity is unable or appears to be unable to be  impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization. 2 CFR §  200.318(c)(2). The non-federal entity must disclose in writing any potential conflicts of  interest to the FCC Grants Management Specialist or the pass-through entity. 

Post award issuance, conflict of interest must be disclosed to the FCC as soon as practical  after a recipient becomes aware of the interest or relationship giving rise to the potential  conflict of interest but no later than 72 hours. 

  1. Assurances and Certifications 

The grant recipient or pass-through entity must complete the required Certification  Regarding Lobbying Form and, if applicable, the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form  provided with the application package. 


Per 2 CFR §§ 200.501 and 200.514, recipients that expend $750,000 or more from all federal  funding sources during their fiscal year are required to submit an organization-wide financial  and compliance audit report, also known as a “single audit” report. It is intended to provide  assurance to the federal government that a non-federal entity has adequate internal controls in  place and is in compliance with program requirements. The audit must be performed in  accordance with the requirements of the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO)  Government Auditing Standards, located at, the  requirements of Subpart F of 2 CFR § 200, located at idx?node=sp2.1.200.f and the requirements of Title 2 Subtitle B Chapter LX Part 6000 (as  may be revised by the Federal Register). Single Audit Report must be submitted  electronically to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC). 

  1. Reporting Subaward and Executive Compensation Information 

In accordance with 2 CFR § 170, all recipients of a federal award are required to comply with  reporting requirements under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act  (FFATA) of 2006 (Pub. L. No. 109-282). To ensure full transparency regarding any  subrecipient, the ACP Grant Program Second Report and Order (FCC 22-64) also requires  that grantees who are pass-through entities must inform the FCC of which subrecipients they  use as well as the amount of each subaward. As such, the recipient is required to file a  FFATA subaward report at on all subawards by the end of the month  following the month in which the prime recipient awards any subgrant. In addition,  recipients that meet certain criteria are responsible for reporting executive compensation.  Applicants must ensure they have the necessary processes and systems in place to comply  with the reporting requirements should they receive funding. 

  1. Acknowledgement of Federal Funding  

All recipients shall acknowledge federal funding when publicizing projects or programs  funded in whole or in part with grant funds.14 This includes the disclosure that outreach  materials are developed for educational purposes. The Project Director will be responsible  for appropriately acknowledging FCC’s funding support in publications, public  announcements, press releases, and other media sources. 


Question 21: Other National Policy Requirement

Answer 21: 

  1. Transparency 

The Infrastructure Act contains robust reporting requirements for grant recipients and  requires the FCC and other agencies to coordinate to make information regarding federal  broadband funding readily available to and understandable by the public. The FCC will fully  comply with these requirements and fulfill obligations under the Infrastructure Act.  Additionally, the FCC will publish a list of successful grant recipients publicly on the FCC  website which will include the name of the recipient, the award amount, an abstract outreach  project summary, and a main point of contact for the funding recipient. The FCC will also publish the required award information on an OMB designated government-wide website,  consistent with 2 CFR § 200.212. 


  1. Drug-Free Workplace 

Per 2 CFR § 182, the non-federal entity must comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free  Workplace Act of 1988 and require that the entity take certain actions to provide a drug-free  workplace. Federal grant recipients must make a good faith effort, on a continuing basis, to  maintain a drug-free workplace and must agree to do so as a condition for receiving a grant  award. This includes publishing a drug-free workplace statement and establishing a drug free awareness program for the grant recipient’s employees. The recipient must also take  actions concerning employees who are convicted of violating drug statutes in the workplace.  The grant recipient is also required to identify all known workplaces under the federal  award(s). 

  1. Whistleblower Protection 

Recipients, subrecipients, contractors, and their employees working on this grant award will  be subject to the whistleblower rights and remedies established under 41 U.S.C. § 4712. An  employee of a recipient or subrecipient may not be discharged, demoted, or otherwise  discriminated against as a reprisal for disclosing information that the employee reasonably  believes is evidence of: 

  • Gross mismanagement of a federal contract or award; 
  • Gross waste of federal funds;  
  • Abuse of authority (i.e., an arbitrary and capricious exercise of authority that is  inconsistent with the mission of the FCC) relating to a federal contract or award;  • Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety; or 
  • Violation of a law, rule, or regulation related to a federal contract or grant. 

The recipient or subrecipient shall inform its employees and contractors, in writing, in the  predominant language of the workforce or organization, of employee whistleblower rights  and protections under 41 U.S.C. § 4712. 

  1. Ensuring the Protection of Civil Rights 

Federal civil rights statutes, such as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title  VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color,  national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, limited English proficiency, or economic status  in connection with programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.  

  1. Never Contract with the Enemy 

Per 2 CFR § 200.215, federal grant recipients are subject to the regulations implementing  Never Contract with the Enemy in 2 CFR § 183. This regulation applies to covered  contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements that are expected to exceed $50,000 within the  period of performance, are performed outside the United States or its territories, and are in  support of a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively  engaged in hostilities.

  1. Prohibitions on Purchasing Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or  Equipment 

Per 2 CFR § 200.216, federal grant recipients and subrecipients are prohibited from  obligating or expending federal award funds on certain telecommunications and video  surveillance products and contracting with certain entities for national security reasons.  

  1. Paperwork Reduction Act 

Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 1752(h)(2) the collection of information sponsored or conducted  under this NOFO soliciting grant applications and establishing other requirements for the  Pilot Program Outreach Grants is deemed not to constitute a collection of information for the  purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. §§ 3501-3521


Question 22: FCC Awarding Agency Contact Information 

Answer 22: 

FCC Grants Team 

Please direct programmatic inquiries to: 

Miriam Yohannes Montgomery 

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau 

Federal Communications Commission 

Please direct grant management inquiries to:  

Joy Sears 

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau 

Federal Communications Commission 

FCC WCB Pilot Programs Team 

Sherry Ross 

Wireline Competition Bureau 

Federal Communications Commission 

FCC Section 504 Compliance Officer 

Gerard Williams 

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau 

Federal Communications Commission  

(202) 418-1505 


Systems Contact Information 

For technical assistance with, call the customer support hotline 24 hours per day,  7 days per week (except federal holidays) at (800) 518-4726 or email at  


For technical assistance with the Pilot Program application portal, call USAC customer  support 9:00AM – 5:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday at (888) 641-8722 or email at  


For technical assistance with GrantSolutions, call the customer support hotline 8:00AM – 6:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday at (866) 577-0771 or email at